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Academy Internal

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Yes, that’s true. The Academy also represents the art of cuisine. We value the art of cooking and the effort that is made by our members. In honor of good craftmanship and outstanding achievements within the art of cuisine academy directors and its representatives are not attending any events where the food is supplied by fast food chains according to the Book of Guidelines and Regulations.

As of January 1st, 2020 the Academy board has voted in favor for imposing a total ban on mobile devices during board meetings. Members who violate the ban can be dismissed from the board. The ban is to protect the privacy of our members as well as protect voting procedures on future memberships.

The Academy Board meetings usually takes place in Los Angeles, Santa Monica or San Francisco bay area. Academy board members from all over the world come together via a conference chat. The exact meeting place is being announced 24 hours in advance.

Deadlines & Invitations


No, that’s not possible. Unlike other membership-based organization it is not possible to join the academy later. If you received an invitation you need to accept or reject the membership within 14 days as stated by the deadline quoted in the official invitation letter. The inability or failure to respond within that given time will have the academy board assume it was rejected. Membership invitations are exclusive and cannot be reissued. It is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity. So far, all invitations have received a reply within the given deadline. Only one invitation has been rejected.

RTNworld Academy of Arts and Cultures has built a reputation on having the strictest review process in the fields of arts and cultures. While remaining discrete on internal matters the academy is home to some of the biggest names in the field of arts and culture. We offer exclusive services to our members and give independent artists a platform to thrive.

The members you’ll find displayed on our website are selected members only. The Academy does not publish information around celebrities or high-profile members. We value the privacy of our members and handle internal matters discretely. The academy has applied a strict policy on membership statuses and information given to the public regarding high-profile names. Members have come to appreciate the discretion and can completely rely on our strict guidelines.

Yes, we have hosted our own award ceremonies in the past and co-hosted several other events such as the Communications on Top Forum in Davos in Switzerland. During the International Filmfestival in Berlin the Academy has co-hosted several networking events.

In the past 10 years the Academy has not hosted any award ceremonies. Thanks to a generous donation in 2008 the Academy invited its members to the legendary Candlelight Dinner in a resort at the Lago Maggiore in Italy. Members from all over the world gathered in a heaven like scenery in order to celebrate the arts and cultures. The event venue was decorated with thousands of candles, lightning up beautifully arranged tables. Most members came in white clothing adding to the outstanding atmosphere. The event became a truly unforgettable moment as some longtime members still speak about it to this very day. The Academy Board is currently looking into possibilities to re-establish this event not as an award ceremony but as a get-together for our members from near and far.

You cannot apply to join the RTNlist. The RTNlist is by invitation only. In order to join you must be invited as a member and/or awarded with one of our labels. This means someone unknown to you must have submitted you and/or your service/product to the academy. Upon submission the Academy board has either approved or rejected a review process. Ongoing review procedures can last for up to 5 years and must be of consistent quality before an invitation is issued. For more information on Membership and labels and awards please go to “About”.

RTNworld was founded in 2005 as RTNworld Club as a joint venture membership organization for film industry and entertainment professionals around the world. The name of the Academy originates from that time and is in its pronunciation an acronym for ART IN THE WORLD. The Club offered services that members could exchange between them but also attractive cooperation’s such as free entry to Universal Studios, Warner Brothers and daily services designed and developed for industry professionals as well as educational programs for children. These offerings got published in a printed list also called the distribution list and sent to members in the Los Angeles and Bay area. The President of the organization and trusted members invited entertainment industry professionals with a silver envelope handed out at regular industry events. The silver envelope quickly became popular in the community due to its surprise appearance and informal delivery. When the main sponsor left in 2008 the RTNworld Club renamed itself to the RTNworld IMEA International Media Entertainment Academy. A new director and board was elected and it was decided to repurpose the organization from a commercial focus to lobby organization for the arts and cultures. In 2010 the board decided to return to the founding guidelines of 2005 and the RTNworld Academy of Arts and Cultures was born.

The RTNworld Academy of Arts and Cultures only has 2 Fulltime employees in Los Angeles Area maintaining the print and online edition of the RTNlist. As an interest-based membership organization most people engaged in activities in and around the academy are voluntarily signed up for duties. Individuals are compensated based on their contribution to the academy and community. With increased funding for 2020 the Academy is planning on opening an office with 4 full time employees.

Labels are subject to the book of guidelines and underlie a strict review process. Labels cannot be purchased and are in some cases limited in their use.

Awards are labels that require collections of other labels in order to be considered for an award. The award is both subject to strict review procedures but also bound to the number of labels collected. Awards are only handed out by the academy on special occasions. Awards cannot be purchased.

Certificates are a document of proof of the label or award handed out to the individual or service institution. A certificate can also be of educational nature offered in our extended educational programs. Certificates are subject to a charge and can be purchased by individuals and institutions.

The RTNworld Academy of Arts and Cultures does not accept submission requests from outside of the Academy. If you wish to inform us about interesting individuals projects or services, you are welcome to send us an email. Please be aware that we cannot inform you about any proceedings.

The RTNworld Academy of Arts and Cultures has more than 1847 members around the world. Only a handful are frequently active in the Academy. Most of the members received their invitation more than 10 years ago.

The silver envelope was created in 2005 and contains the official invitation letter. The Silver Envelope was personally handed out by the Academy Director to the nominated member. The contents, its size and color are lined out in detail in the book of guidelines. The first Silver Envelope invitation was handed out to a member on the 2nd of May in 2005 in Los Angeles. The silver envelope quickly became popular in the community due to its surprise appearance and informal delivery.

The entire list of the contents of the Silver Envelope invitation remain secret. It is known that the silver envelope contains a personal reference and motivation latter signed by the Academy Director and information about the membership. Every invitation contains a small key.

There are several reasons why the Silver Envelope Invitation is Silver. As nominees are not informed beforehand and it appears as a surprise many of the silver envelopes have been handed over during events, usually hosted during evenings. It is said that for the silver envelope to be noticed appropriately silver was chosen as it reflects the light making it glow in the dark. The Silver Envelope is one of the best kept secrets of the academy. Due to the silver layer it is not possible to scan or x-ray its contents keeping them safe from unauthorized access.